Thursday, August 12, 2010

Some sewing circle pictures

Here are a few pictures I took at sewing circle last night. One of our regular knitters is on vacation with her boyfriend, so we were a quiet group. This is Ashley knitting. I was practicing with the flash and with getting at eye level to take the picture. The look on her face is the look of someone starting a rather ambitious scarf and feeling ambivalent about it, I think.

Here's Lydia, almost finished with something for her dad. I tried to position her off to the side in the shot instead of just centering her. I wish I were that far along in the truck I'm making for my nephew.

This close-up is of Jessi threading a needle. She's embroidering two pieces of aida, which she plans to stuff and sew together to make a pin cushion. Crafty.

1 comment:

  1. It's weird looking back in time! I got a new hoop and a needle threader since then. I finished the pincushion, too, but it's too pretty to use!
