Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Podcasts (that I did not make)

So I listened to some podcasts about cross stitching recently. I found them by using the super scientific method of searching for "cross stitch" in the iTunes podcast store. I only downloaded free ones.
Some of them were sort of disappointing. I would not recommend "Cross Stitch What's Up" by Leisure Arts Podcasts unless you are really interested in new books of (IMO) boring cross stitching patterns. There was too much religious symbolism and not enough snark for my tastes. Another one, by Discover Artista, turned out to be a how-to for a pattern software you can buy. K-G Chart is free, so I wasn't too excited.
One of them was called "Anime Today" and was basically about manga cross stitch. Not exactly my thing, but I do love the combination of nerd culture and crafts, so I was happy.
The Mirkwood Designs podcast was interesting. It had a brief bit about cross stitching, but was also about crafts in general. It was a little heavy on the knitting. She apparently loves Stitch n' Bitch books, and is old enough to have a college-age son. She made him a Kingdom Hearts costume for a party. I spent most of the time listening to it wishing she were my aunt or something.
The longest one I listened to was CraftSanity #49. It is a series, obviously, and this particular episode featured an interview with someone who sells her cross stitching professionally. At first I didn't think I would be interested, but she was really cool. She sketches her designs out really informally, and when she doesn't have a lot of time she focuses on smaller patterns. If you have the time, I'd really recommend checking it out.

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